Data Access
Access to Data held by the NTD
NTD data is stored centrally within Monash University as Data Custodian. Access to data is subject to applicable privacy laws and principles, and ethics approvals. Specific measures have been put in place to maintain the confidentiality of personal identifying information.
The NTD encourages the use of its data for a variety of purposes such as quality improvement, research and clinical planning.
Data access is subject to the approval of the NTD Steering Committee. When considering the approval of access to NTD data, the Steering Committee will seek to balance the importance of privacy protection and the significant public health interest from the proposed research.
Eligible Applicants
Researchers, medical professionals and pharmaceutical professionals working at research institutions, hospitals, private entities, government or other health services are eligible to request access to data held within the database for research purposes. Requests for data are noted and logged in the report tabled at the NTD Steering Committee meetings.
Data access request links
NTD Data Access & Publications Policy
The NTD encourages the use of its data for a variety of purposes such as quality improvement, research and clinical planning. The Data Access and Publications Policy defines how data from the NTD may be accessed and conditions regarding publication arising from data obtained.
To submit a data access request please complete the online form via REDCap
linked here.
A descriptive list of the all data variables collected and analysed as part of the NTD.